We are so back!
I published my first personal home page back in the 90s. It was a static HTML-based one (of course) but I can't remember where it was hosted. By then, I was a hardcore fan of Dragon Ball, so the website mainly was about all things DB.
It didn't lasted long, and soon it fell into the oblivion.
Then back in the mid 2000s, I published my first blog attempt, I even bought a domain for it, it had all bells and whistles. Yet, like its predecessor, it too eventually slipped into the shadows.
Fast forward 20 years, here we are again.
I am lucky enough to have a job where I can daily work with two of my life's passions: Frontend technologies and Plone. During the last 20 years I've been taking more and more responsabilities in the Plone Community and having more relevance in there, to the point that currently I'm the Release Manager of Plone Volto.
While I've used various platforms for micro-blogging about all things Plone, Volto, and React, I've always felt a strong desire for more profound and impactful communication. Inspired by my friend Erico, I've made the decision to resurrect my personal website.
My intention is to delve into the realm of frontend technologies within the Plone Community, with a specific focus on positioning Plone as a headless CMS. I strongly believe that the community needs fresh, easily consumable content in contemporary formats, tailored primarily for developers and prospective technology advisors. We possess unique capabilities that set us apart, and it's crucial that we showcase these capabilities to a broader audience.
Furthermore, I am convinced that our community requires a definitive vision for the future, a roadmap that guides our collective journey.
With this personal site, I aim to foster a space where the Plone Community can find inspiration, guidance, and a shared sense of purpose. Join me on this journey as we explore the vast possibilities that lie ahead of us.